Oscar or Panorama

Hello, just had my first prenatal visit today and was asked to select either of these for my next visit. Any feedback and recommendations? Thanksss ☺️ #firstbaby #advicepls #1stpregnnt

Oscar or Panorama
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Best to depend on your age, medical and financial situation. In general, if you are young and healthy and in low risk category, no test or cheaper test is fine. If you are in the higher risk age category then the better test is probably more ideal. Your OBGYN should be able to recommend one for you.

We were offered the same choices and went for Panorama since it’s higher accuracy. Reckon if the Oscars results came back not ideal, we’ll still have to do the Panorama which then means we incur both costs.

I am 26 and I did OSCAR first and got bad result. Did Harmony to confirm end up no issue with baby. Recommend to just go for Harmony/Igene/Panorama to avoid false result and need not spend extra cost to re-test.

VIP Member

If u r below the age of 34 u can go for Oscar , else go to panorama.. after 34 there is a risc of chance also u may check ur family history of autism or any related genetical history ..


my gynae only offered me panorama, you should ask your gynae for his/her recommendation based on your situation. if both are recommended then maybe use cost as the deciding factor?

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We did Panorama as the accuracy was higher. If Oscar, chances are the results may be inaccurate and you’ll be doing another test this doubling the cost.

VIP Member

I go for the Oscar scan if needed then go for 2nd one. Oscar is alr 95% acurrate. Just that the expensive you can test more and know the gender faster.

i did oscar, result is inaccurate and worse, it made my hub panicked, ended up do nipt. oscar is a waste of time and money. would definitely rec NIPT

did oscar and results were bad. did harmony after and baby was perfectly fine. oscar is quite inaccurate so would recommend just harmony.

I'm 24 and this is my first pregnancy, i didnt get both tests. but usually Dr will first recommend OSCAR...

5y ago

Isit okay not to test it? It was highly recommended by my gynae but it’s so exp, abit of a toll on the finance side honestly.