Am i seeing things?
Guys,what say you, is it positive ? Or am i seeing things? Huhu too much hope already #2years3monthsTTC

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i see things! sama mcm i test dulu. now baby dah 9weeks da. looks like it positive! takpe later tggu a few days lagi then retest to confirm okay.
nmpk positive. try retest everyday smpai makin terang or negative. u will get the answer. goodluck.
yes i see.. try 3 4 hari lg insyaAllah line makin terang..
nampak double line..samar2 sgt..hrp2 positive la kn...
Cuba test lg 3 4 hari moga ada rezeki sis
cuba seminggu lgi. nmpak dh. samar2
Try again ❤️hopefully positive
Sorry sis ssh nk ckp tu..
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