Blood clot or miscarriage?

Guys pls enlighten me, i was shocked and bursting in tears, i had this blood clot last night, this is my first baby since we're having a hard time to have a baby and i have pcos also. Pls enlighten me, I'm freakin' not okay .#firstbaby #1stimemom #bleeding

Blood clot or miscarriage?
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would be better if you will ask your OB. I hope everything is okay.

5y ago

😭😭😭😭 I'm busting in tears, yeah, pls do pray for me pls

inform your OB and have it checked po agad.

This was 2 months ago. Hows ur baby, sis?

pa check up kna po agd sa ob mamsh..

go to the nearest ER or contact ur OB

call your doctor
