34w & C+, pls help.

Hey guys, i am worried as i am 34w and just found out today i am Covid +. Anyone has any advice on what i should do? 🥺 I am fully vaccinated. Only sore throat but very mild. My husband down with fever and chills and also +. Please help. Stress and fearful of preterm birth..

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I'm in a similar situation as you. 36w and C+ first day on Tue 8th Feb. Wait for the moh to call you and you need to inform them that you're pregnant 34w. According to govt protocol 1, pregnant women 34 weeks and later should be warded for monitoring. My moh rep gave me a choice to continue home recovery or go to the hospital but I'd suggest if you're worried about your baby and want peace of mind plus if you have underlying medical issues, it's always best to go to the hospital. Plus when you're at the hospital, they will highly recommend you be warded for monitoring. My situation was my baby was still quite active though I had fever (38 deg), cough, flu, congested nose etc. I don't have any underlying medical problems or those related with pregnancy but i had some intermittent chest pain so felt best to check if the baby is alright. Moh arranged a non emergency ambulance to take me to sgh where I was monitored, took blood test and did ecg for the chest pain and it was all OK. Now I'm day 6 and still positive during my latest art though really fade positive line. Cause I was stable and chest pain was probably due to pregnancy, normal ecg, blood test, oxygen monitoring. So I'm gonna be enrolled in their virtual ward until I'm out of isolation or am negative. So ultimately whether you want to continue to do HR (though technically not the protocol) or be warded to monitor baby and any other covid related symptoms. Lmk if you want more info 😊

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3y ago

When I was being admitted, the admissions office didn't want to commit and said that it will be paid by me. Which was really confusing, as I called the hr buddy hotline and they said if you're a Singaporean and fully vaccinated, it will be covered. My suggestion is to prepare to pay but likely won't have to if its related to covid. My husband also sent me a bunch of articles on how the govt will pay for the hospital stay if its related to covid. When I was discharged, I didn't have to sign anything related to payment but maybe they'll send me the bill later?

I was 33 weeks when I had a ART positive. This was a week before CNY. My symptoms started the day before but ART was negative. Went to the GP and doctor took PCR and ART again and the results are positive too. Need to go GP so your details of positive will then be recorded in the Govt system for them to contact you. Got a call from MOH the next day where they will arrange the hospital stay when they found a bed as apparently there wasn’t much available. On the same evening, the ambulance called and said they will pick me up to SGH. I stayed there for 2 nights and then they allow me home for home recovery and isolation and i got into their COVID virtual ward afterwards even though I was still positive on ART. In the hospital, it was just 1 time blood test if all goes well, blood pressure and oxygen level monitoring every few hours. Nothing severe for me as my symptoms were really mild (blocked nose and occasionally dry cough). I’m fully vaccinated (2 jabs). They officially discharged me (ending the COVID recovery program) on my 7th day of infection and said I’m free to go wherever. However I only tested negative on the 9th day which I then feel it’s safer to go out the next day.

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hello I recovered from covid . caught it on my 35 + week pregnancy, fully vaccinated with very mild symptoms. I delivered a healthy baby at 38 weeks and throughout my recovery , he was alright and happily swimming inside of me . but please do arrange for a gyna check up once you're allow to go out of your place of isolation.

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Dun worry too much. Go to your doctor and heed their advice. Should not impact your baby too much. Dun overstress

I tink u should mask up. Although your husband also infected, diff ppl diff speed of recovery.