Drinking fizzy drink during pregnancy

Hi. Do u guys drink fizzy drink like coke, pepsi when pregnant? Cause that the only drink i can swallow. But i eill only limit it to one can a day. Is it ok?

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Coke got caffeine advice not to drink so much. If can avoid then best . Other soft drinks without caffeine can . But they are high in sugar level so limit yourself ☺️

I drink like once in 2 days cause I realised it helps me to lessen my migraines and stops the morning sickness. I know it’s bad though 😭😭😭

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It’s alright to have carbonated drinks however, you’ll need to be mindful about consuming it as it may harm your health. Ie. diabetes.

Haha i drank fizzy drink in early pregnancy too. Kindda weird coz im not a fizzy drink lover but i try to not take it very often

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i like fizzy drinks when pregnant too, but i try to ration it, 2 days to finish a can for eg.. but i do drink tea daily lol.

Drink in limit amount and a few times per month at most. Coke etc contains caffeine which is not good for fetal development.

I did drink fizzy drinks too but I will add some water to it too... but don't over drink it or sugar level will shoot up...

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I do! I don't usually take frizzy drinks but was craving for it so badly during pregnancy. drank so much coke!!

5y ago

Yes! So good with lots of ice! Felt guilty after that!

Yes but not too much bcoz of the sugar content. You wont want to get gest diabetes and ovrweight baby.


Can take if u really have the crave but moderation is the key. Because of high sugar content.