What age would you allow your kid to go on sleepovers at his/her friends' house?
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7 years old
8 years old
9 years old
10 years old
I wouldn't let them
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Sleepovers are quite fun but they’ve to be right age to experience it so I think 9 years should be on
It actually depends, if the hosting parents are reliable and trustworthy, I'd be fine with it.
I’ve never slept over at a friend’s house as a child so I don’t know 😂😂
I would let them if they are very good friends, and I’m friends with the parents
Don’t understand why some parents won’t allow As long as trust the parents
Sleepover at cousin’s house, yes. Friend’s house I’m not so sure...
Probably 15/16 years old but also depends on the type of friends 😣
They need to know how to take care of themselves - basic things
Best not to after hearing all the horror stories from movie
Stay over with cousins only but not with with friends
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