Advice for Breastfeeding!!

FTM here trying to breastfeed but not producing enough breast milk 🥺 Baby latches well during 1st 2 days in hospital (without any milk). Just practicing and stimulating my body for bm. However, baby started fussing on Day 2 night. Showing all sorts of sign that he is very hungry. So i had no choice but to top up with formula milk. After he drank from bottle, he refused to latch any more 😭 At most suck once/twice and cry out loud after realising there's no milk. Finally, on Day 4..i see some droplets of diluted milk (translucent white). Tried to let baby latch again, but he refused 💔 Now, my boobs are all sore and hard. Tried pumping but still hard and only managed to yield about 10ml of diluted milk. Tried massaging and hand express still 10ml. Not sure if it's colostrum stuck. What should i do? Desperate help needed.

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