Medisave maternity package - how and when?

Hi!! Ftm at 7wks and already starting my appointments for checkups at kkh. How do I claim from medisave maternity package? Can I claim after each visit when I need to settle the bill? Or do I settle first then I claim after delivery then they reimburse me?

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Hi there! Congratulations on your pregnancy! It's such an exciting time. Navigating the Medisave maternity package can seem a bit confusing initially, but I'm here to help. For your checkups and delivery at KK Hospital (KKH), here's how you can manage your Medisave claims: 1. **Prenatal Expenses**: You can use Medisave for prenatal checkups, but generally, it’s easier to claim these expenses in a lump sum after delivery. This way, you don't need to deal with frequent paperwork. 2. **After Each Visit or Post-Delivery**: While you could technically claim after each visit, most mothers find it more convenient to settle the bills first and then make a consolidated claim after delivery. This process helps streamline things and ensures you don't miss out on any eligible expenses. 3. **Reimbursement Process**: - **Settle the Bill First**: Pay for your appointments as they come. - **Gather Receipts**: Keep all your receipts and invoices. KK Hospital should provide you with a detailed breakdown of your prenatal expenses when requested. - **Submit Claim Post-Delivery**: After your delivery, you'll submit a Medisave Maternity Package claim through the hospital. They will assist you with the paperwork and guide you on the necessary steps. Remember to bring along your Medisave card or details during your hospital visits so that everything is properly documented. Wishing you a smooth pregnancy journey! If you need any more tips or have other queries, feel free to reach out.

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9mo ago

Hi! May I ask, how abt nuh? Would this mean I have to pay upfront and not use my csc in order to get the claims?

I checked with the admission counter last month..they said as long as your checkup and all is done in kkh we no need to do anything..they will reimburse us after delivery..

Can only claim after your delivery. If everything done in same hosp, admission staff will do everything for you. Just bring along the receipts when you check-in for delivery

9mo ago

even if everything is in the app I still need to bring physically?


MMP can only be claimed when you submit your bills during hospital admission when you give birth, via Medisave.