Any flu medicine safe for breast feeding ?

Loratadine (Clarityn) - non-drowsy antihistamine (I prefer to avoid drowsy meds as they may affect our ability to care for baby and may be dangerous if you co-sleep with baby on the same bed) - off the shelf in pharmacies Oxymetazoline (iliadin or Afrin) nose spray - decongestant to relieve blocked noses - off the shelf - can be used with Clarityn - avoid more than 3-5 days of continuous use These 2 are ok to take when breastfeeding. In future, you could key in the medication name into LactMed phone app or website to check if a medication is safe to take when breastfeeding. It's a reliable reference.
Read moreDuring pregnancy, or even now when I have flu (still breastfeeding), I was prescribed the small yellow colour tablet call chlorpheniramine. My gynae back then and my current GP ensure me that it is safe for breastfeeding. You can always consult your doctor if you have doubts.
Read moreOff the shelf medication is usually not recommended. As I'm also breastfeeding, i will always consult the doctor before i start. Sometimes, I'm still unsure if the medication given is ok, i will double check and reconfirm again.
Read moreClarityn tablets. It's bfdg safe n non-drowsy. Can get off the shelf at pharmacy. But do note that supply may be affected temporarily; as for all antihistamines.
Been taking this. The pharmacist okayed it for me. If you are unsure, talk to your doctor or check the lactmed app

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