1 Replies

Gave birth there twice! 10 yrs ago and 4 mths ago. Splendid experiences! My 2nd birth was attended by 2 female gynaes and they're really gentle and was very patient with me as I had high fever during labour and even visited me at the High Dependency Ward after I gave birth. I'll say just go. You might hear scary or unpleasant stories from subsidised patients. You need to experience it first hand to know whether it's a good or bad experience. The only downside being under subsidised is you won't get the same gynae but the gynae I saw many times during my appointments was also the same one who attended my labour.

Hello, I am getting to week 34 and I have some struggle to work out how natural birth is conducted at NUH. Would you be open to share a bit more of your birth experience at NUH over a call or a coffee? I am open for all comms. Thanks

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