
hi, first time mum here— just brought home my newborn today and ive been struggling with breastfeeding to the point where i felt super guilty about not being able to feed my baby enough milk. i dont really know how to soothe my baby whenever he cries after realising im not producing enough milk and i feel pathetic not being able to breastfeed him like i want to. #pleasehelp #firsttimemom #FTM #firstmom #baby

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I feel the same way i just gave birth.. the first few days the breast is not really producing milk until 3-4 days the colustrum comes in after that will be fine, that is normal too because everyone is different. Some may produce, some may not or some is just jice supply. try to drink fenugreek or moringa capsule it helps too aside from supply and demand and or do power pumping! Even theres nothing coming out just do it because you are signaling the brain that you need more milk. Btw i also supplimenting with Formula hahaha because the supply is not enough too haha. The polyclinic Doctor says dont be stress about it.. most important is, the baby is Fed and gaining weight and healthy. Hope it helps 😄

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