hi, first time mum here— just brought home my newborn today and ive been struggling with breastfeeding to the point where i felt super guilty about not being able to feed my baby enough milk. i dont really know how to soothe my baby whenever he cries after realising im not producing enough milk and i feel pathetic not being able to breastfeed him like i want to. #pleasehelp #firsttimemom #FTM #firstmom #baby

Hi! Welcome to the motherhood life!!! First few days is the liquid gold milk and it’s little in volume but surely the best. if baby stilll hungry, sub in with fm. Normal milk volume will only come a few days later. Rmb to drink up!!! latch every 3 hours Each side 15 mins. this is what the lactation consultant told me! Both of u and baby is at this together. Learning together. If baby doesn’t open mouth. Bring ur nipple down to the nose and when bb open mouth to yawn push in the nipple haha 1) rest your back - sit with ur back touching the sofa / bed rest 2) play around with cradle or football method. 3) during the first 2 weeks I used football bcos my stomach and bottom still hurts so bad so football doesn’t “press” down my tummy Don’t be stress take it natural Rmb to have enough rest Rest + water the milk will come
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I feel the same way i just gave birth.. the first few days the breast is not really producing milk until 3-4 days the colustrum comes in after that will be fine, that is normal too because everyone is different. Some may produce, some may not or some is just jice supply. try to drink fenugreek or moringa capsule it helps too aside from supply and demand and or do power pumping! Even theres nothing coming out just do it because you are signaling the brain that you need more milk. Btw i also supplimenting with Formula hahaha because the supply is not enough too haha. The polyclinic Doctor says dont be stress about it.. most important is, the baby is Fed and gaining weight and healthy. Hope it helps 😄
Read moreThis is common the some if not most during the first few weeks of giving birth. I had problems as it took weeks before I can able to express some milk and it is always not enough. I had to feed my NB with formula and BM as supplement where in it bw other way around. my gynae explains to me that it will take some time and lots of patience in expressing milk. You need to have enough rest and more water coz no matter how much supplements you are taking but you are dehydrated, there's not enough milk to express. Have enough rest amd please don't feel guilty if you don't have enough at the moment. Trust the process and enjoy the journey. Take care! 🌷
Read moreIt’s gonna be like this in the beginning 🥲 it’ll get better when your milk starts to come in in a few days time and when baby learns to latch better, don’t give up and keep latching baby ❤️ in the meantime you can also hand express your initial milk into a syringe and syringe feed baby. This will 1. Ensure baby getting sufficient milk and 2. Will help your milk supply come in faster . If in the meantime you are stressed out about baby’s intake, can always start some formula also. Your mental health is also important!
Read moreJust attended a breast feeding seminar yesterday, and I was worried about this too... The consultant says that the first few days, baby's stomach is only the size of a blueberry so it doesn't really need much milk. Also, they also say that if you want your milk supply to increase you need to keep releasing milk until its empty. Maybe can try expressing it out into a container. It let's you know how much milk you have and is feeding, and it also helps you to empty your breasts to help increase milk supply!
Read moreDon’t feel that way, I was mixed feeding for 1.5m while I build up my supply to be transit baby to full bm. Even so, I was a just nice supply mum until a few months later I managed to build a stash for myself also. Focus on resting well, drink more water, drink more soups, you can consider pumping so you can gauge how much milk baby drinks. It will increase overtime as long as you don’t drag or missed pump sessions. 😊
Read moreCombine feeding with formula milk until your supply is stabilised. Get some breastfeeding support supplements from you gynae on your next visit. Drink plenty of fluid too. I assume you’re still in the confinement period? Try to get some rest and take good care of yourself. Fed is best :)
Read moresame! just do ur best... i think i was juz 2 stressed