1 Replies

she must be feeling very overwhelmed during the day when you’re at work and needed your help asap end of the day. It’s not fair on you to be mocked because of traffic! but if you can decipher the reason behind her “mocking”, it’s a desperate call for your attention. it’s not a nice way to do it for sure but you can try asking her “how can i help”, then slowly get her to open up in between chores/tasks. no need to purposefully sit down and have a talk since it doesn’t work on her. as a new mum i can tell you the physical, hormonal and emotional challenges are indeed real. not everyone can manage it well. feeling like an inadequate mum most times, hating your own body, managing baby’s needs and neglecting her own. she’s probably acting like this because her needs are not met. it’s not easy, try not to take her acting out to heart… she needs you. but i’m heartened to see that there are more loving and supportive dads now, you’re doing great!!! 💪🏻💪🏻 hang in there and congrats on the little girl!

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