4 Replies

yes you definitely can. but do take note that whether it's private or general hospital, queues are going to be long if you do not sign up for a package with a specific gynae. Gynaes will usually prioritize their package customers first. Plus queues are generally longer at general hospitals because more people go there for their affordability. So you may have to be prepared to wait even longer there if you haven't signed for a package.

from her experience, she mentioned that queues are long at private gynaes, hence she's going for 1 appt at a general one before maybe going for a private one after that. so my answer is trying to help her understand that queues exist everywhere, but are likely shorter at private clinics compared to general hospitals because: 1. general clinics are more commonly affordable, that's why crowds go there; 2. although there may also be queues at private clinics, if you sign a package with a gynae there, you'll likely be in the room with the doctor on time compared to a just a walk-in patient. and yes, private gynaes do not offer packages on the first appt; but they will already start having their receptionists introduce package prices and inclusions from the first visit. then you can consider if you wanna take it up - no pressure at all. packages only start at around 16 weeks (some start earlier at 13 weeks depending on gynae's practice). here, I'm defining private gynaes as those who ha

Yes you can. I was asked to do my first scan/nipt outside before i have my first apptment at gvt hosp because gvt hosp was 1 mth later. In the end i stick to my current gynae because i feel he prob understand my condition more since he has been seeing me since wk 8.

Yes can

Super Mum

Yes you can

consultation between $90-150 ultrasound between $90-100 plus GST

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