EDD for FTS scan different from first dating scan
My first dating scan EDD was on 18th April 2023 in week 9, but after doing the FTS ultrasound in week 12, the EDD suddenly became 16th April 2023. Will the EDD keep changing with each ultrasound scan done? Which EDD should I follow ?

It's normal for EDD to change /- 1-2 days diff in early pregnancy due to cycle, mine changed twice but difference only by 2 days. After that my gynae said to just stick to the latest EDD, currently I'll be 18 weeks tmr and it has been the same ever since. 😊
mine changed from 5 Feb during my first checkup, to 3 Feb during my next, to 10 Feb during my detailed scan. it's normal!
I guess so depends on your gynae. My gynae changed mine 3 times. Followed the most exact during nt scan.
Follow the first EDD. Subsequently your EDD will change based on baby’s size.
asked my gynae the same question before.. he says stick with the week7-8 edd