Stuff for baby
Fellow mummies, when do you start buying things to prepare for the arrival of your little one?

1st child - bought the items after knowing gender which is 5/6 mths onwards but also not much as babies do grow fast. 2nd child (2yrs apart) - bought mostly the necessary items and hand me down clothings from the 1st one. 3rd one (6yrs apart) - get mostly hand-me-downs and was blessed with some new items from friends and relatives. Only bought the necessities after bb born 🙊🙈
Read moreAs soon as i knew my baby gender , i started to buy some clothes and swaddles , mittens . Then after 7 months , started buying cots and prams
My Hubby is responsible for buying all the necessary items, he started doing so in late 2nd trimester and whenever there is a sales😁
5 mths+ and that time there was baby products convention event so most stuffs buy frm there.
bought about around 7 going to 8 month.
after knowing it's gender
once u know the gender .
Third trimester onwards
third trimester onwards
6 months onwards :D