
Hi fellow mummies, I am 7 days post partum, I am currently pumping every 4 hours, 160ml was my highest record today. Am I an oversupply Mum? Besides, my newborn drinks 90-100ml per feed, every 1-3hrs. What should I do? Appreciate every advice! ☺️

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over/undersupply is determined based on how much u produce vs how much baby drinks! if u make way lesser than what baby drinks, u are considered undersupply, if u make way more then u're considered oversupply n if u make just enough or slightly more/less u're a "just enougher" u can try timing your pump time with when baby drinks, eg, 10am pump feed 12pm feed 2pm pump feed something like this, it doesn't have to be exactly 4hrs on the dot as babies don't eat according to the clock either, hope this helps

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