bloody show
Hi all, do u experience bloody discharge before labour? More of one off occurance. If yes, how long before labour? Thanks!

Suppose to induce at 40w, after done with admission registration at the hospital, started bleeding when I was in the room. So didn’t induce coz Gynae said I have signs of labor already(previously don’t have any signs or symptoms). But after 2 hrs later suddenly I had high fever and baby heartbeat was relatively high.. fever didn’t subside with the help of medi after 2 hrs.. so Gynae called for emergency c-sec instead.. You baby might come out anytime now, wishing you have a smooth delivery!
Read moreYes. My water bag broke first, around 2 hours later had blood discharge. Did not experience any contractions after 5 hours.. Had to do induce labour because my water bag broke and my baby poop inside. After inducing, can start feeling the contractions.
For me 1 day before labour i had mild contraction and bloody discharge then i head down to my gynae's clinic to let her check, she told me i am 3cm dilated already i can admit anytime if not next day 7am.
Hi... how many weeks pregnant are you? You may go into labor anytime between 36 to 40 weeks. Please go to the hospital for assessment
abt 2 days light bloody discharge before i went to hospital and discovered dilated at 1.5cm so i got induced after that
Mine was about approximately 9 hours before labour. There were small clumps/strands of blood whenever i peed.
Did not have a bloody show, I only had mucus plug discharge a day before my labour started.
Dropped my mucus plug for 2 days now and still no signs of labour nor contractions 🙁
It’s called Mucus plug and it came before my water broke, about an hour before labour
With first child, it was one day before. With second child, it was a week before for 2-3 days.
I noticed mine but still here waiting for labour...