conception date
Hi everyone, What is conception date? And may i know how to calculate it? My last period is 21st Aug 2019

Pregnancy Conception Calculator Pregnancy is an exciting time for couples, and one of the most common questions they ask is "When did I conceive?" Remember the estimated date of conception is to determine the due date of delivery and to track the progress of the pregnancy. The estimated date of conception can be calculated based on the last menstrual period (LMP), due date, ultrasound, or the date of fertilization.
Read moreDepends on when you ovulated. If you’ve been tracking ovulation or basal body temperature and your menstrual cycle is consistent, you can calculate it relatively accurate.
is it possible that I'm last period is July 3
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Conception date is the date the egg gets fertilised by the sperm, but it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact date because it depends on when ovulation (the egg maturing and leaving the ovary) happened, and also how fast the sperms swam up to meet the egg. If your menstrual cycle is regular, it’s usually between 11 and 21 days after your period.
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