1 Replies

Super Mum

Hi daddy, My son also had a protruding navel. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about unless you feel a bulge beneath which could then be a hernia. I found the information on this website useful: https://www.askdrsears.com/topics/parenting/child-rearing-and-development/bringing-baby-home/protruding-navel/ However, if it’s worrying you, do get it checked by your PD. Am sure they’ll be able to provide better answers and solutions :) Don’t worry too much tho :)

I’m not sure because I’m not there to feel it. But I’ve seen navels that pop out before. Usually they flatten out as time goes by. I can also understand your concerns. My suggestion is to just make an appointment with your PD just to be sure for good measure.

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