Pregnancy Timeline Confusion

Hi everyone. I'm really confused. My lmp was on the 26th dec 2019. And I was tested positive pregnant on the 1st feb 2020. The thing is, since the day we did first scan, we can only see the sac. Until somewhere around week 7-8, the gynae claimed that he couldn't see embryo. So we went to another gynae, and he "confirmed" that i had blighted ovum and i was on my 9th week. So we went to KKH with the thought of doing D&C, lo and behold! The doc told us (from the ultrasound scan) we have a 5 week baby! Tho there's no heartbeat yet hence we have to come back in 2 weeks time. I'm so lost and confused with the timeline like the edd, or is my baby really at 5 weeks...

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There’s LMP and gestational. I found out that I was pregnant when I was 7 weeks basing on LMP, but when I did my scan few weeks after that, base on LMP I’m 12 weeks but base on gestational, I’m 9 weeks. Gestational is more accurate as they will measure based on baby’s length and growth through the scans. Hope this helps! I was confused at first too, just like you. EDD will tend to change after every scan but the dates are not too far apart.

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I think the lmp isn’t a very accurate measurement. But, keep calm and have a positive mindset! All the best