Is my wife demanding?

Hello everyone. I have a question. My wife is a few weeks pregnant, first trimester. So, being the caring and loveable husband.. I cared for my wife's needs. But I realized, even the smallest things.. she asked me to do it. I don't mind helping her and taking care of her but is she taking advantage of me just because she's on her first trimester? Please help me understand, is this normal for the wife's during first trimester? #firstbaby #advicepls

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Thank you everyone, for replying to this question. I appreciate it v much. And yes, right now, I understand that every women is different when they are pregnant. I will try my best to be a better husband, to understand better in this situation and cater to my wife's needs. I will read more on being the best dad and husband to my wife and child. Mummies out there, thank you for being strong and able to carry the baby for 9months #salute god bless to all.

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