Is my wife demanding?

Hello everyone. I have a question. My wife is a few weeks pregnant, first trimester. So, being the caring and loveable husband.. I cared for my wife's needs. But I realized, even the smallest things.. she asked me to do it. I don't mind helping her and taking care of her but is she taking advantage of me just because she's on her first trimester? Please help me understand, is this normal for the wife's during first trimester? #firstbaby #advicepls

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yes I'm super whiny throughout my 2 preg due to morning sickness, lost of appetite during 1st tri plus have to control diet at last tri due to gestational diabetes.. every little things my hub do will be magnified.. n I tend to throw tantrum more often. luckily he's quite accommodating

1st tri is 3 mths.. u say u dont mind helping her right? then dont even start thinking whether she is taking advantage or not lo.. not good for ur metal well being.. just take it she is not well.. after all she is carrying your baby..

she is carrying your baby, the most you can do is to make her feel better and help her as much as you can since you can't share the pregnancy term with her.

first trimester is very fragile 😊