Never give seat to pregnant

Ever since im pregnant and now at 9 months with a VISIBLY HUGE ASS bump, still working, i always have to stand in the bus, not a single person care to give me seat. They will just act like theyre dying or they will just give me that look. Ya understand everybody is tired and wants to seat, but it wont kill you if youre healthy, be it young or old, to give a seat to a VERY pregnant lady. It always frustrates me so much. Esp when bus drivers like to jam break or keep braking and you always need to stand in the bus. And you baby’s life is like depending on your strength to hold the pole firmly. Some likes to seat at the outer side of the seat with no one at window seat, and still dont bother to make way or give the seat. #FTM

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Lol now i give birth alrdy i purposely save for preggy moms 😤 or really cmi elderly and no one else. Kids can bloody stand theyre not entitled to seats if they wear primary/sec sch uniform

From my pregnancy until birth, hardly people give up seats. Especially during peak hours. Maybe bump is not obvious to them. But is very tiring to stand on crowd places. 😭😭😭

Just ask for the reserved seat, i did that! Else no one will give up the seat. And yeah i would say the same for the bus, no one bother to give up the seat🥹

I’ve seen posts on Reddit saying that since it’s our choice to get pregnant, why should other people give up their seat. Honestly no empathy at all

12mo ago

self entitled. asif the public cause them to be pregnant

So sick hor this ppl. How to educate these kindof ppl ah. I hope our children will be a better generation.


Normal.. my 3rd pregnancy & still facing this issue since 2019

Stand infront of the privilege seatings and stare at them! 😄😄

1y ago

You’ll be amazed at how many hidden actors/actresses there in sg 😉.