5 mths LO clingy

During this CB period, me and my hub wfh. Meaning that we could spent more time at hm w my LO. All along she is taking care by my helper ard 3 mths until now.But this one week my LO refuse for her carry and cry very badly. When I carry her, she stop crying and smile at me. Idk what’s wrong with my LO. Any mummies encountered this before? My helper has issue or my LO?

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Super Mum

That’s perfectly normal:) your LO recognises you guy as her parents, so it’s only natural that she’s enjoying your company and wants to cling to you now that you’re home. Nothing to do with your maid. I would be worried if my LO only wanted to be carried by my helper, or if she loved someone else more than me. Haha.

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Super Mum

Dont think it's anyone's problem. Baby just love to be around parents and since you spend more time with her now, she becomes clingy. Otherwise may be going through a leap

Of course ur baby wants u and hubs It’s normal But there is nothing wrong with ur help. 🤦🏻‍♀️