6 Replies

u don't use it first, after recover then I use. my baby always have burn spot after using it, and my mum don't think is because of Ru Yi oil, after I stop her for 2 weeks fully recovery, now my daughter can continuous to use it

VIP Member

yes, it can cause some rashes for some babies because it's pretty hot. my CL taught me not to apply it directly on bb's skin. apply just 2-3drops on ur palm, rub them till u feel the heat and press of bb's tummy/feet.


my baby is sensitive to ruyi oil. everytime I apply she will have red rashes I end up stop using.

VIP Member

Hahaha I used to be allergic to this oil as a child! So I don't dare to use on my baby

Not sure. My baby is not allergy to Ru yi oil

No, but we never change brand.

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