5 Replies

I’m towards the end of my first trimester, experienced really bad nausea and loss of appetite too which lasts the whole day. When I get hungry, I don’t feel like eating, which would result in bad gastric. It was a nightmare and each day was just dreadful. The worst for me was when I could no longer swallow water, when I drank water, I would feel nauseous immediately. Doctor told me that it is more important for the baby when I drink water than to eat a full meal, so I tried to put lemon into my water, or honey and that worked. Our body has reserves so don’t feel bad about not eating well! As for food, I packed small bread with me to eat whenever I get hungry and stop whenever I felt nauseous. I wasted a lot of money on food cos I can’t finish it, totally feel you! I would buy my food and then immediately feel nauseous and throw it away. I’ve also learnt that for me, my nausea comes from smelling a variety of food (esp hawker centres) so I stay away from eating out, will dabao home instead. Keep some bread or biscuits with you in case you get hungry. Milo worked well for me too. Take small steps and celebrate small bites! It will get better soon, you’re not alone!!! :)

Thank you for sharing!! I’m towards the end of my first trimester too and the nauseous feeling is real and yesss the food wastage!! I felt so bad whenever I can’t finish my food 🥲 hopefully the appetite will be back soon for you too! and congrats to you! 2 more trimesters to go :)

I totally feel you! You are not alone! I always feel hungry but no appetite to eat! Can consider Meiji plan biscuits with Milo or oat milk. Try to see what kind of food u can or cannot take. Try to take as much as u can. Don’t force yourself. It’s really tough sometimes but know that it will get better one day!

it is very normal to lose appetite during first trimester. i was too. but i tried to eat at least abit. try to eat in smaller quantities but repeatedly throughout the day. usually it will go away by 2nd trimester

Thank you for answering! Hopefully it’ll really go away by 2nd trimester 🥲

Hi mummy, I was always having porridge or soupy stuff like beehoon soup in tri 1 to cope with the nausea. Other than that, I take 100+ or h2o! Hope it helps! 💖

Me too I’ve been feeling nausea all day even at work.. to the point of vomiting. I feel you…

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