Sufficient breastmilk after birth
Hi. Does anyone have any tips on how to get a good supply of breastmilk right after giving birth? I admire moms who have milk leaks during their pregnancy cos im sure their newborns get sufficient supply. My milk usually comes in only on the 3rd or 4th day after atleast 1 session of massage at home.

My milk supply kicked in around 3rd day too, and I didn't experience any milk leaks during my pregnancy. I direct latched since birth till now he's 22 months old. If you and baby are able too, do try to direct latch as your body will produce enough for the amount your baby needs (supply and demand). Especially during growth spurts where baby cluster feeds, your body will adjust accordingly too. Don't be too worried about your milk supply and don't stress! Your body will produce enough for your baby ♡ Also, you can experiment with food and find your milk booster. Back when I just gave birth and was doing confinement, red dates tea and soups like green papaya fish soup were my milk boosters.
Read moreHello. Unlilatch is the most effective way to increase milk supply. And drink more liquid, try not drinking cold drinks.