I got one off Shopee. Can just search for pregnancy belt. Great support for my big belly especially when I had to walk around. Honestly, whatever belt you use, your baby is in your tummy and will just keep growing so what’s important is you have plenty of bed rest while you can and get someone to press on your back while you lie down sideways.
Dear mum, I haven't used belly support. But I saw some information on below article. https://sg.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-support-belt-6-best-prenatal-belly-bands-in-singapore/web-view?utm_source=search&utm_medium=app
thanks for sharing !
I use this. Works great! Really takes the weight off. https://www.amazon.com/AZMED-Maternity-Breathable-Abdominal-Support/dp/B0113WE0QS
thanks for the recommendation!