Placenta hematoma

Hi my doctor said I might have placenta hematoma which can cause to pre term labour. Anyone have experience with this?

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saya kena subchorionic hematoma. term xsama so im not sure pasal urs. tp condition saya juga dr kata ada risiko preterm labour. for me dr just advice bykkan bed rest waktu 1st trimester, xboleh travel/jalan2.. bykkan dok rumah je. 2nd tri the safest trimester, boleh jalan2, but travel jauh still xdigalakkan. 3rd trimester risiko preterm labour so start xboleh jalan2 blk dah, klu nk shopping dr kata shopping on9 je.. travel jauh di haramkn terus.. x boleh bersama dgn suami at all selagi hematoma(luka) tu still nmpk di ultrasound even though saya dah xbleeding. hematoma saya xnmpk dah wktu scan at 24 weeks gitu, tp dr kata risiko tu masih sama..

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5mo ago

Thanks for the reply ❤️