6 Replies

I stayed with in laws when I had my confinement back then, so my own family came to visit. They understand that I just gave birth and their main motive is to see baby so they limited their visit to 1 hour. I stayed in my room the entire time and since baby is asleep, they just look at her in her cot. When she’s awake, they took turns carrying her then returned her to me. Talk to your husband if you are not ready for visitations, he should be the one facing his family and backing up for his wife’s decision. Tell him baby haven’t gotten any jabs yet and you wouldn’t like to risk any germs infecting baby with all the visitations.

I was fine with family and friends to visit but it depends on you, if you need more time to recover mentally and physically please take your time. If you’re fine with staying in the room you can feel your husband to explain to them while they see the baby outside? My mum actually wanted to visit me immediately after I give birth in the hospital lol and I said huh?? I need time by myself and my husband and baby first, then she said she wants to visit the baby not me. So maybe they just want to see the baby too lol

Honestly its totally up to you. If you need your own time and space and dont wish for visitors, need to inform your husband. Or just bring baby to living room for them to see you can stay in the room to rest. However pls restrict only immediate family members to visit no relatives no friends

I didn't let relatives meet my newborn for a very long time because of immunity. I didn't one anyone who might be sick (but don't reveal) coming close to my newborn because nb has no immunity yet and too young to take most medicines.

family members can visit and will be understanding you need rest and wont entertain them


yes i did :)

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