Did you get your son circumcised when he was a newborn? How do I treat it after?

circumcision is a very fast procedure but requires a lot of care. initially, the doctor will place a bandage on the head of the penis. it usually takes about 8 to 10 days for the wound to heal. you can use a mild soap and water to clean the area and make sure to either keep your baby off diapers, or change it very frequently to avoid the risk of any infection. do go through this link as you may find it useful http://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Newborn-Circumcision
Read moreHi mum, some parents do go for circumcision for their boys for health and hygiene reasons, and not just for religious reasons. the doctor will guide you properly about care methods. for the first few days, the wound will be covered in a bandage to keep it dry. later you will have to clean it thoroughly with water and a mild soap, and very carefully each time your baby passes urine.
Read morehum hindui m ye riwaz nahi ki circumcised karwaye..... 😤😤