Which is better?
Deliver at KK or SGH. My 1st born i deliver at SGH with no bad experience. For my 2nd born still thinking whether want to deliver KK or SGH. What i heard n know is that KK mostly csec. Even there's chance to give birth normal also csec. Is KK a good choice? Please share your experience thank you.

c-section is only recommended when necessary. if mommy or baby are in trouble, yes they will say do c-section. Most probably why you heard most people do c-section at kkh is maybe because most mommies have complicated pregnancy or worst and kkh specialise in women and children. therefore maybe most cases are c-section. but usually gynae will push for normal vaginal birth if there's nothing wrong with your pregnancy or baby. my 1st born emergency c-section at 38weeks due to baby not moving(not a slightest bit) in 24hrs of monitoring. Doctor are afraid baby is in trouble. my 2nd baby doctor pushed for VBAC but I already started feeling pain in my c-section scar and doctor scared my uterine can rupture as my 1st and 2nd baby is less thn 1 year apart hence another emergency c-section. my 3rd baby, I had another emergency c-section cause I had progressive contractions despite trying to stop it at 35 weeks. so yes, there are alot of c-section cases but depends of situation (:
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Read moreAm Robert Mitchell USA , How i purchased Willy Wonka Golden Ticket from Wal-Mart #2605 in Gallipolis and won $15,000, It still feels incredible that my life has changed and I thank Dr Prince everyday for his help. It is the best feeling in the world knowing that I am financially secure.Dr.Prince has proved that all the comment that i have read about him are all true, I am saying this now because before i contacted Dr.Prince i was having doubts if all what i have read about Dr.Prince are true but after contacting him, i believed that Dr.Price is truly powerful and his spell has the capability to Win all kinds of lottery All thanks Dr prince, his number +18144484537 This Man has been of immense blessing to me and my friends and i am putting his email here to help the world at large know about his abilities and power to solve various types of problems contact him today via website https://obinnaspelltemple.com/ [email protected]
Read moreKKH has been know for women's and children's hospital for the longest. They are specialist for it. Literally build to handle women, delivery, children. Unlike other hospital.. I was born here, my husband was born there & my daughter (2 weeks old) was born there too. I had vaginal delivery. Like most comments, unless complicated situation, if not, you will have normal delivery. Read up about chances & reasons to c sect so you can better prepare yourself if it happens (touch wood) so you won't blame the hospital for doing csec on you.
Read moreCsec only if rly no choice otherwise it’s vaginal birth. KKH is a gd choice just that maybe the nurses’s mannerism not vry professional? More like aunty kind of vibe when they’re talking. Other than that everything is gd
My first child also deliver in SGH. Second child will be in NUH due to NUH being more convenient. However I think all govt hospitals are good, be it SGH or KKH
My first was csect only because baby was breeched. Now, I want Vbac and docs (I am under subsidised) also agreed, as long no issues, I can go for Vbac.
How is Kkh mostly c sect? i gave birth via vaginal delivery. Lol. I wanted c sect but they pushed me for vaginal delivery
Normally they encourage natural… unless emergency or u requested. I went thru normal birth for my first one.
My first was kkh, 2016. Was advise to try normal birth instead of C-sect then. Currently having 2nd, also kkh.