4 Replies

Firstly, what is considered low supply? Your supply will adjust on its own according to your baby's needs. When my baby was full month I was only able to pump out about 90ml every 3 hours. Are you pumping or breastfeeding exclusively or a mix of both? If you're pumping exclusively I recommend to keep to your pump timings, pump till your breasts are soft and empty, followed by hand expression to completely clear your boobs. Milk production is faster with empty boobs. If you're direct latching, you will most probably be able to match your baby's demands. If you do a mix of both, then always pump when your baby takes a bottle. Power pumping is a very effective booster for my milk supply. You should do it every day for a period of 3-5 days until you think you supply is enough. For me, once is enough to see the difference. As for Fenugreek, it is relative. Working for other mummies doesn't mean it will work for you. Milk boosters work differently for everyone. Up till now I can't find any milk booster through food. Maybe I don't have any. Make sure to drink A LOT of water and hope you find your milk booster soon!

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You can try power pumping. That helps to bring up milk supply. You can do it once or twice a day.
