4 Replies

hi mummy! i have bad hairfall too! my hair was very thick before and now it's not. i've been using anti hairfall products and taking vitamins to reduce the amt of hairfall. it's abit better not but still have a lot of hairfall. and my hair looks like a mess with all the small ones sprouting out lol. it will get better mummy! your lo loves you no matter how much hair you lose.

Hi mommy, i was going thru the same issue 4 months pp. my hair literally everywhere. On the floor, toilet, bed, kitchen, even on my baby. Every shower was horrible cos whole chunk of hair would fall. Now at 8 months pp, i have so much baby hairs. I believe is the shampoo. Been using it since pregnancy time. It’s called phytopecia. A korean brand shampoo.

i lost alot of hair too...scary esp wen bathing..brushing. yes things will get better after awhile. now ive got alot of baby hair. q

Things will get better. I cut my hair short and its alr better now actually. Previously was terrible 😅

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