Oversupply of breastmilk

Dear fellow mummies, I have an oversupply and require some advice. My oversupply started when baby was 3 weeks old. I'm now 6 months into breastfeeding. I only managed to latch my baby when she's 2 months because she was a tiny baby and couldn't latch. But by that time, I'm ald overproducing and had to pump concurrently to relieve engorgement pain. Ive never bothered about the over supply issue because I've been donating and so far it hasn't given me any mastitis or clogged ducts. However, recently I started getting more forceful letdown causing unsuccessful latching (which caused uncontrollable spraying), choking, and milk leakage on the opposite breast. Over the months, I tried dropping pump sessions and now I'm at 2-3 pumps per day. I want to fully latch my baby for feeds but I'm still unable to do so. even with only 2 pumps, I can yield 1-2 litres per day. And yes, I'm still getting engorgement pain at 6 months post pregnancy. do GPs have medications to reduce my milk supply? I know some would advice to leave the breast incompletely drained but i dont like the feeling of partially drained breast and im afraid it may lead to mastitis. Any kind advice? TIA #pleasehelp #advicepls #1stimemom #firstbaby #breastfeeding

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