14 Replies

Hi Nur, it really depends on individual babies.. Are you giving her special formula such as Similac Total Comfort or Enfamil Gentlease or NAN HA ? These formulas are partially hydrolysed which by right shld help baby.. And remember, at least a 30 mins of burping is a must after every meal.. Even if baby burped, just continue for awhile more.. And I noted that e direction of e lift up pillow placed wrongly.. Shld be e other way round, most flat shld be where baby’s head.. I would recommend you to put it under e mattress which works better (at least for my baby)

For s26 gold, I think is just a normal formula just like Nan or Enfamil. Those that I shared to you was from my PD. Is at your comfort zone if you want to try change, to me as long which will help my baby feel better I will try. Which at least work for my and friend’s babies.. You can also check with your PD if he/she have any to recommend or to continue with s26 gold. And based on the pillow in your photo it doesn’t look like there’s a circle curve hole to me as I have two exactly e same at home.. All these are my advices, which I went through before and sharing with you. Of course e process will be very hard, it not going to resolve within a day or week. Take care!!

Your baby is soo cute :) hang in there mum. I tried rid wind with my baby and it did help. Burping is a must as well… also during feeds, you could burp her more often, let her have small breaks during her feed to burp her. Can also find out if she is having colic or reflux cos the symptoms can be similar. If reflux u need to keep ya baby in a upright position after her feed for ~20 mins … sometimes when the baby is uncomfortable, i try to hold her n rock her gently in a vertical position to soothe her discomfort. Hope that helps

Hi Nur, my 1st daughter also cried alot n i taught she suffering from colic when in reality it was gas. This is my advice, first if baby being formula fed n gets hungry within 1 hour than could be baby not fed enough. Most tin recommend 60ml and feed every 2hours. 2nd try changing baby formula to similac comfort. 3rd you massage baby every morning before feeding if baby tummy bloated n hard than most likely gas. For gas go pharmacy buy 'ridwind'. Dont worry and hang in there. ❤

hello, I use this baby balm to help with my baby's colic.. it helps for him.. the balm helps with colic and the smell helps him to sleep well too.. usually the application is once after bath and once in the evening.. during his colic period, I apply additional once mid-day and another time mid-night during diaper change.. and has helped him passed a lot of gas..

must burp no matter how hard because the gas will cause discomfort and sleep problems. speaking from experience with a super colicky baby girl. ridwind doesn't do much for me. it's a lot of effort just through the first few months.

Hi Dear, if its really colic then must try to burp her everytime.. however do check of she is feeding enough.. cause my LO was also latching every hour for her first few days. then realised she wasn't feeding enough thus the fussiness..

I gave her formular milk S26 Gold as I can't produce milk. I did buy anti colic bottle feeder. she didn't want to sleep on her baby cot. I had been carrying her through the whole night

I tried all ways.. milk change too! Multiple milk change. But the one that got my child way better and improved, is Naan Sensitive. Very hard to find, only at ntuc finest! Recommended!

Hi mummy, just sharing from my experience (my LO is now 7 weeks). Your baby might be going through a growth spurt! Perhaps it’s time to increase your LO’s milk intake?

my son having colic almost every day so we try burping him in between feeding and after feeding. everytime after bath and wipe down we will apply baby telon oil on his tummy area

I use telon oil for my baby and massage her whole body after every bath time. we did burp her but she would end up sleeping instead.

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Sorry I do not have experience in this but I can’t help to comment because your baby girl looks so cute 🥰 . Hope you find answers or sharing soon!

thank you so much. she was born smaller 2.3kg and she's a princess with all her uncles, FIL and husband always around to pamper her.

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