To parents’s house
Currently now we at phrase 1 again. Should we bring our baby go visit our parents or wait till the virus is back to normal ?

Phase 2 now is the 2 pax only rule. Which means only you and baby can go visit your parents. If your intention is to only visit them then why not? Unless you have other plans like go to malls after visiting them then I will suggest don't. Our children are more vulnerable to the new virus straint so best not to go out to crowded places. For my case because I have more than 2 children, my parents or in-laws comes to my house instead.
Read moreI still visit my mom's and in-law's every week, sometimes stay over at my mom's when my hubby works night shift. We'll only bring baby out to go to each parent's house and nowhere else. Anw there's an exception to 2 pax rule, baby is allowed to travel with both parents so not to worry abt it.
Yup! I still go visit them every weekend! I live quite near my parents. So travel time is not long. I’ll just cab over, 10 min drive and I’m there.