Baby bump size

Currently im 7 months pregnant but people around me say i look like 4-5 months. This is my first child.. Should i be worry?

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It’s normal for FTM to have smaller bumps (especially if you’re on the smaller/petite side) because everything is not “stretched out” yet. My colleagues only realized I’m pregnant on the day I went in to induce 😅. As long as gynae didn’t raise any issues, don’t worry 😊.

First pregnancy for some their tummy size won't look as big compared to subsequent pregnancies. Most important is what your gynae says. If never say anything about baby size being too small then don't have to worry

2w ago

Active baby is good. Hang in there for a few more months and your bundle of joy will be out to meet you 😉

I’m also reaching 7 months with small bump but I’m happy with it as long as baby is healthy 😆 smaller bump probably less taxing/heavy on the body? It’s not a bad thing

I'm 7 and look like 10 lol. count your blessings. as long as gynae says baby is ok its ok

It’s the same for me!