Worried with no sign of baby coming out...

Currently 38 to 39 weeks pregnant, but there is still no signs of baby coming out... Gynaecologist says that by the 40 weeks if there is still no signs they will do a scan for water bag water level. And 41 week will induce, should i be worried? Sorry first time mummy here...

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Hey mama! First thing: breathe! You’re doing such a great job that baby is so happy and comfy in the tummy that he doesn’t want to come out so give yourself a pat on the back! Second, research has shown that 40 weeks isn’t the absolute die die labour date and that 42 weeks might be the new overdue date :) As for induction, there are many natural methods that you can try. Here’s a link you could take a look at for the natural options you can consider as well as options for an induction: https://www.webmd.com/baby/inducing-labor-naturally-can-it-be-done

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