Uncertainty if baby is alive
Currently 15 weeks, Any moms feel insecure because the morning sickness and headaches are gone and baby too small to feel its kick? Im constantly worried that baby is no longer alive because the nausea and headaches used to be my “good signs” that baby is alive :(

I feel the same way.. Everyday I check my tiny bump to see whether it's growing. When my nausea comes once in a while, I feel relieved. My next appointment is late November so I'm always anxious too :( But my husband reminds me to think positive. Little baby will be ok as long as we continue to take care of ourselves. We got this 🥰
Read moreI can’t say for myself cause I still feel terrible at 14 weeks 5 days (can’t wait for it to end), but as long as you are eating well, moving about and taking care of yourself, gotta have some faith that the baby is well and just be happy so baby is happy ☺️
I feel that way everyday thinking whether my baby is alive but usually 2nd trimester some symptoms will go away im just left with headache and just think positive as long no bleeding shud be fine mummy we’ll both go thru dis tgt☺️
Don’t be so worried! I have tried to think as no sign as good sign :) not spotting, not bleeding etc is a good sign (touch wood). But personally each time i feel like the signs are gone it will come back w a vengeance the next day 😅
Get a fetal doppler to check your fetus heartbeat if that makes you feel better
totally!!!!? pregnancy= continuous worries every single day