Overly worried mother
Hi mommies, I’m having my 1st baby so I do not hav any prior experiences before. I’m now only 10 weeks in so it’s just my first trimester. Am I the only one whom’s overly worried with whether my baby is still alive because I had friends whom’s baby no longer have a heartbeat by the time they attend their next gynaecologist visit. I do get some cramps here and there sometimes but it’s not severe and I also still have the morning sickness symptoms. But my gynaecologist visit is only scheduled for once a month, it’s will be costly and quite ridiculous if I go to the gynaecologist for an ultrasound every week so any suggestions on what I should/can do?? 🥺 #advicepls

It’s very normal to be worried especially for first time mother. When I had my firstborn the whole pregnancy journey was so mentally stressful for me because of the countless worries. I will just share with you how the journey may look like so you can be prepared. 1. You worry about losing the baby. From losing heartbeat (usually no symptoms) and passing out blood or clot. You google every possible questions you have in mind but to realise there is no way you can know until you are under ultrasound. So mom, take it easy first. Be positive and have faith in your strong baby there. 2. First trimester screening - more tests and Down syndrome test You will worry about the test results 3. Detailed scan My baby had echogenic bowel issue, a soft marker for Down syndrome. His intestines were shown larger than normal at his gestation week. So more follow up screening have to be done. With these, each day I cannot sleep. Then baby’s weight. Doc says baby is smaller than average, then I spent all the time trying to put on weight and eat alot of healthy and myth food such as durian. There would be more but I can’t rmb already. But I just wanna tell you, you really have to take it easy. Currently im having baby no.2, suddenly the whole pregnancy feels so peaceful and chill because I know there are things I can control and there are things I cannot. But I’ll just have faith and take it easy.
Read moreHi I too having my 1st and I when through what you have gone through too. My worries started approx. 5mins after I rcv call from nurse telling me congratulations I’m pregnant. A lot of things I was trying to plan ahead as the timer start and I have only 9mths to prepare. Then my anxiety kicks in then paranoia as well. The more I read bout pregnancy and risks in pregnancy, the more worry I am. I was literally crying in da middle of night uncontrollably and I knew I needed help. I immediately arrange an appointment with my counsellor to talk bout it. It’s fine to be worry being a FTM but you need to be aware/mindful of these emotions and get the necessary help. No harm to reach out to someone for help. My counsellor advice me not to read too much as information can be overwhelming so only about an hour or so. When I reached 2nd trimester, I immediately starts planning for my booster shot then I got my freedom. I when out for yoga have lunch with girlfriends and do things I enjoy doing. Keep my mind preoccupied Just keep in mind, no bleeding =good, still got morning sickness = good, mild cramp= good, no sharp pain/severe pain = good, no call frm clinic about your test results = good Enjoy your pregnancy journey and do reach out if you need a listening ears
Read morehonestly, I feel you. I feel exactly the way you feel.. I have been trying to conceive for 3 years and was blessed with my current pregnancy so I am very worried too with each visit to my gynae.. Every time before I enter the room to see my doctor, I will start to think about all the what ifs and pray in anxiety that I can see the healthy baby moving in every scan.. After seeing baby, I will let out a sigh of relief.. its hard not to worry especially as a first time mom but I do tell myself to have faith and believe that my baby is here to stick.. friends around me and hub also tell me to relax and worrying too much ain't gonna do good or change any outcome that I can't possibly control. I've not stopped worrying but I am trying to take it easy one step at a time. Jiayou fellow mommy!!
Read morethank you so much.. i too hope that you have a smooth pregnancy with a healthy baby all the way till you hold him/her in your arms ❤
Hihi, as with all the sharings by mommies here. Its natural to be constantly concern about well-being of baby. Ur not alone 🤗 other than growing a tiny you inside, there’s the hormones fluctuations that may affect emotions. Limit ur searches on negative symptoms when you can (they are programmed to show more of what you search for) or filter out “well-meaning” advices may help as well. Rest well, and a positive mindset, deep breathing exercises, slow walks help for me. Personally i listen to positive affirmations for pregnancy to help me stay align n focus. Reminding myself that i wanna nurture a happy baby. Babies and our bodies can be pretty resilient.
Read more🙆🏻♀️🙆🏻♀️ sending hugs! it's perfectly normal to be constantly worrying.. but since you mentioned you still have morning sickness, chances are your baby is growing well! my gynae always told me, having a terrible morning sickness is a great sign that baby is growing. but please don't start to panic if your MS suddenly stop for a few days, it's happens! my morning sickness was terrible till about week 14, so i take it as a reassurance that my baby is growing well.. hope this can help to ease your nerves! 💕
Read moreHey babe, I’m also carrying my first at 16 weeks. Initially I was also very worried about not being able to see the gynae asap as my first appt was pushed back for 3 weeks after being C . Idk how the baby was and also don’t know what to do. End up, saw the gynae at 12 weeks. Just have faith that everything will be well :) I heard there is a device that you can buy online to hear the heartbeat. Doppler? Not too sure about that. Jiayous!
Read moretotally feel you. I had a miscarriage and was super paranoid when I was preg again. every gynae visit was super stressful! thankfully my boy was born healthy. just stay calm and have faith in your little one. as long there is no heavy bleeding, the baby will be fine. Think happy thoughts and stay positive! wishing you a smooth pregnancy and enjoy the journey!
Read moreit's not uncommon but you have to try relax because it's better for you and your baby.. since you still having symptoms then more or less baby is growing well in your tummy.. continue to your your supplements from doctor and try rest more, it helps..
hello hehee can get a fetal doppler. i got it from lazada and use it every 2-3 days or whenever i feel paranoid 😂😂 hehee jiayou!
order a doppler on shopee and conduct checks whenever needed!!
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