How do you pull through / what motivates you through tough times?

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Speak to a counsellor or therapist
Confide in someone I trust
I think of my child and that gives me strength
Practice mindfulness
Others (please comment)
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I usually calm myself and my mind, try to think of the bigger picture. It makes your problems seems smaller, for u to gain confidence
VIP Member
If I have to do it for myself I would not care but if I know I have my children who still needs me then I will just push myself
Talking to my partner and thinking of my children gives me the motivation to get through tough times
Praying and knowing that there’s a greater hope to look forward to.
Well life still goes on so you’ll have to pull through somehow :(
That the world is big & that tough time dont last, tough men do.
Talking about it with a loved one helps a lot
Talking it out to family is very important
That there will be better times ahead
Talk and think and repeat the cycle