App calculated 6weeks 4 days but smaller than 6weeks on scan
But during ultrasound, it’s only measured to be 1.7mm with heartbeat. Dr says unable to give EDD, she says it’s too small😓 but the radiographer says it’s abt 5weeks plus. Baby is smaller than the last menses calculation. Should I b worried

hi. just went to see 1st appt yesterday..based on app, mine is 5weeks plus but radiographer say its abt 5 weeks, 2mm with heartbeat flickering.. she say overall its normal. i think yours is normal too, almost 2mm.. dr never tell me EDD, need to wait next appt, which is 4 weeks later, when bby 9weeks then he will tell EDD. He said 5weeks too early to tell EDD..
Read moreThe EDD on your ultrasound is based on baby’s weight whereas the app is based on the date you keyed. Wait for 1-2 more weeks then go for a scan again, use that EDD.
you may have ovulated later. based on my LMP, it should be 10 weeks but i’m only at 8 weeks cos i ovulated 2 weeks late.