hi! is breaking of waterbag by the nurse manually painful???? & can i request for epidural first before the nurse break my waterbag so i wont feel any discomfort or pain??

Mine had epidural 1st because of the contraction pain. Few hour later my waterbag still haven broke ,so Doctor did it manually and i cant fell the pain, just fell there was warm water slowly flow out on my below(after waterbag broke).
Mine broke when they were checking my cervix because it started to leak a little. The check of her shoving her fingers in was superrrrr uncomfortable to me lol.
The breaking is not really painful, but the strong contractions that follow are painful. Yes you can always get epidural first:)
I barely noticed when they broke mine. And you can certainly request for an epidural when you feel you need it.
Breaking of water bag is not painful but the contractions after the water bag burst is painful.
I had epidural first before the doctor broke my waterbag 6hrs later. Couldn’t feel anything.
Nope on the water bag breaking. The contractions are the one that is painful.
Don't worry . It is not a huge pain when considering all birth process
Mine broke when I cough. Hahaha the nurse alsmot got a shower.
My gynae broke for me. Not pain. I had epidural first though