SOS: my baby is not drinking and sleeping well
My boy (turning 3mth next week) is not drinking much throughout the day(each feed 50-70ml) and sleeping (only 15min-20min ish) … 🆘 🚨 We tried to tire him out by playing more w him (exercises, tummy time) but he still doesn’t take in 😞 . Any advices pls!!

Extend the naps by carrying to sleep. It’s not ideal but at this stage doing everything you can to get babies to nap is so important for their development. This will also allow them to sleep better at night. My son has always been a contact napper, now he is 6.5 months still can only sleep 30 mins in the crib on his own for naps. He sleeps perfectly on his own at night though!
Read moreMy baby could only sleep 30mins in his own cot, and if we use cradle (yao lan) only 30mins too and once it stops moving he will wakeup also, white noise always on but he still can get startled and awake easily. So in the end I sleep with him on my bed for naps. I give him my thumb to grab and sleep very closely with him. He could sleep for 2hrs and more with me.
Read morewhen my bb takes short naps, i try to extend his naps by letting him have contact naps with me. he sleeps much better on me and in turn, his subsequent naps will be better too :) try to make the room environment as dark and comfortable as possible too!
baby needs to sleep more instead of being tired.. it doesn’t work the same way for them. the less they sleep, the worse it is for their development. try to use white noise to let baby sleep more

I observe that my baby sleeps better on my bed than her cot. her naps will be about an hour on my bed compared to when I put her in her cot, which will be about 30mins.
Have the same issue. I swaddled her for the afternoon nap, and she can sleep up to 2 hours.
Pls let bb sleep more during the day