4 Replies

I agree, I only shower my LO or wipe down when she’s awake.. no need to wake up baby specially just for shower :) usually shower in the morn so even if awake later, it’s not cold in the morn/early afternoon. Wipe down in the evening, sg is not cold anyway so it’s ok! With warm water

Dk about this but I wipe down baby when she’s awake. Shower at night before her milk, wipe downs for cold weathers. But when we are home too late, I will just quick wipe down while she’s asleep, no need to wake her.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to shower a young baby while he’s asleep as the body temperature may change

Sleep is more importsnt. When he’s awake then do a wipe down. Newborn esp 1 month not that dirty.

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