breast pump
Before admission do you mummy bring along breast pump?

I'm a mum of 5 and just gave birth a mth ago. For my 4 births, I did not bring any pump as I like to go light with my hospital bag. With my 5th birth, I did not bring any until I had some complications and needed to be hospitalised before and after birth (my baby was also in NICU & I had to express my milk to pass to the nurses there). Made my husband bring it from home. But if you don't have or didn't bring any, it's perfectly fine bcos the lactation nurse(s) will help you to manually hand express your milk which I find is much, much better than pumping bcos I yield much more milk than pumping. Also, they can and will help you if you have breasts engorgement.
Read moreI brought myself and the admission letter NOTHING else because hospital has everything you will ever need dont need see what those youtubers bring all nonsense and not needed one
I didnt bring pump nursing is the best especially when LC is there to help you
i did bring my pump with me. it's up to your preference
Yes i did bring pump along
ok noted, tks
I didn’t bring
I didn’t bring
new brand, good?
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