Week 33 - Cravings
Been craving for drinks (Mr. Coconut, Bubble tea, Fruce, Cold brew coffee etc) since the start of week 31. Feels down if I don’t get my craving fixed, especially when I know it’s not healthy. Help ☹️

When I was carrying with my baby girl I craved for ice cream, bubble teas and dessert.. Now w second pregnancy, baby only wants to eat all type of meats (fried stuff especially) and soft drinks.. I have to satisfy them even though it’s not something I will usually eat (and damn fat) otherwise I can feel so sick if I don’t eat their favourite food 🤭😅
Read moreDuring pregnancy, I would ask my hubby to buy drink that I wanted to drink. Then I would drink a few sips 🤭. The rest is him. Hehe... After that feeling satisfied already. No need to drink the whole cup. Especially for caffeine and sweet drinks.
Happy mum happy bub. Sometimes the more u have to abstain the worse. If you don’t have GD then it’s ok in moderation. Maybe limit to one a day and zero sugar option since they are all naturally sweet anyways 😊
I also craved bbt and sweet drinks . But usually once a while order and usually less sweet or no sweet . Not sure why during pregnancy, prefer less sweet drinks.
The above mentioned are all okay to consume, but in moderation. Not a must to “eat healthy” (i don’t mean to ask you to eat unhealthy too)
Agree with the other mummies! Everything in moderation and you’ll be ok! I had BBT during my pregnancy too! Baby turned out well. :)
It’s alright to indulge yourself once in a while to make yourself happier :) I also drank bbt etc haha. Everything in moderation.
I had bbt too but ordered either less sugar or no sugar and only drank half a cup or lesser.