My baby just took Rota virus vaccine just now. Dr asked to feed baby with formula. Dr said before the vaccine also recommended take fm. But my son last time another Dr didn't mention. Do I need to follow instruction to stop bf? Some research claims that bf have the antibody to diminish the live things in the vaccination. Anyone can advice?

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Rota Virus vaccine is a vaccine against severe diarrhea. It is ok for a child to take his milk before but recommended not to as, the PD is afraid that the child might be full and not wanting to open his mouth to take the vaccination. However, after the vaccination, we must wait for about 30 mins to 1hr before giving milk so that the child does not show any rejections towards the vaccination. My child drank his milk 30 mins later as comfort.

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9y ago

Hi should I give her formula milk as doctor suggest or it is ok to continue breastmilk?

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My friends who were breastfeeding continued without making any changes. Their doctors did not advise them to delay or change to formula. Just sharing their experiences.